Dental cleaning services at Jarvis Family Dental

Do you require regular dental cleanings?

Your teeth require regular maintenance in order to ensure good overall oral hygiene. Dental cleaning plays a big role in preventing problems like cavities, gingivitis and gum disease by removing plaque and tartar that build up over time from the teeth, ensuring they remain healthy and free from these risks.

The procedure is relatively quick and simple, and is usually a routine part of visiting the dentist.

Maintaining good dental hygiene

We help you maintain good dental health by performing a thorough procedure that includes:

  • Scaling and cleaning the teeth
  • Flossing
  • Tooth polishing

Although it varies depending on general oral health and habits, most patients will require dental cleaning procedures 2 – 3 times a year.

Contact us for dental cleaning in Jarvis

The Jarvis Family Dental team is a caring and committed group of highly experienced dentists, dental assistants and hygienists with several dental cleaning procedures under their belts.

If you live or work in Jarvis and the surrounding area, call us at 519 587 3368 to schedule yours.

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