Invisalign Treatment Solutions in Jarvis

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign are a form of clear dental braces.

They provide the same oral health benefits as traditional braces, but, much like their name suggests, are clear and transparent, making them much more difficult to see on a patient’s teeth.

Aside from their clear appearance, Invisalign also offers advantages such as:

  • Up to 50% faster treatment times
  • Proven results (features have been clinically proven to achieve 75% more predictable tooth movement)
  • Improved fit and comfort
  • Effective treatment for a wide range of cases
  • Unique features for teens, such as compliance wearers that fade from blue to clear to help gauge wear time

Contact Us For Information on Invisalign in Jarvis

If you’d like more information on Invisalign, how it works, and if it’s right for you, our caring, compassionate and dedicated team of dental professionals, assistants and hygienists are here to help consult with you. Call us at 519 587 3368 to learn more or schedule an appointment.

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